media Training

A media appearance can be a great way to promote your business…. when done well!

What we can teach you or your team:
- Preparing for an interview – being clear about your audience and important key messages, goals of interview and understanding the importance of soundbites
- How to clearly communicate without using industry jargon and stay conversational
- What to expect from a reporter/interviewer
- How to conduct oneself and interact with media; before, during and after interview
- How to stay on message and redirect, if necessary
- How to avoid crutch words
- What to say/do and not say/do during an interview
- Understanding the differences between television, radio and print interviews, as well as being prepared for different types of interviews (live TV compared to taped interviews, for example)
- How to handle antagonistic interviewers
- How to handle oneself during crisis communication situation
- How to connect with the audience
- Appearance – what to wear, body language and posture

Despite having interviewed hundreds of people over the years, it's very different being on the other side of that lens, so I hired Kim and Mike Barnes to help me prepare for a Today Show interview . It was exactly the right move – they taught me everything I needed to know to feel confident and I highly recommend their services!